Our Relationship With Time

Rainar Angelo
Jul 11, 2022

We’re obsessed with productivity and planning.

We spend our time making routines, blocking calendars and trying fancy apps, but the one reason we might be failing is because of, Our Relationship With Time.

This means Understanding where your time goes

  • How much of it is intentional?
  • How much of it is spent on things that add zero value?
  • How much goes in mindless scrolling when I can be writing ideas in a notebook? (the latter has always been fun for me, yet I do otherwise?)

It’s once you figure out your relationship with time, that you implement planning. You have a better chance of seeing things through.

The benefit? Fixing your relationship with everything else. We do after all get the same 24 hours.



Rainar Angelo

On a journey to learn the art of telling stories. People need to listen to facts. I'll use stories to convey the same.