What’s This Hype Around Writing Online?

Rainar Angelo
2 min readFeb 23, 2022

Writing on the internet seems to be a trend that never dies. There are changes with regards to writing styles and platforms but writing is constant.

I’ve always wondered why people write online.

“Is it just a blog? Why would anyone do that?”

Writing on the internet has multiple intentions. Yours may not align with mine. However, the possibilities are endless.

Photo by Angelina Litvin on Unsplash

A few reasons why people write online:

  • Build An Audience
  • An Active Outlet Of Ideas
  • Build A Product In Public

Should You Write Online?

It comes down to what your intentions are.

👉 Want to share ideas? Write

👉 Want to build an online presence? Write

👉 Want to start a side hustle? Write

I Want To Write. How Do I Begin?

The first step is to write. Seriously, just write. Everything else will follow.

What Do I Write About?

The common fears when starting online are:

  • What if people don’t like what I write?
    Hard truth. No one is reading what you write (yet). Write for yourself.
  • What if I run out of ideas?
    The more you write, the more ideas you get. It’s a great side effect.
  • Can I write about anything?
    Yes you can. Want to write about the perfect sandwich? You can.
    💡 Tip: People love relatable analogies.

Most people don’t become writers because they don’t start.

Writing is a long term game. Expecting gratification with one or two articles isn’t realistic.

I can promise you one thing.

Provide value, keep it simple and ensure that the user gets what’s promised in the title. It’s the gift that keeps giving.

“Start writing, no matter what. The water does not flow until the faucet is turned on.” ― Louis L’Amour

This post first appeared on rainarangelo.com



Rainar Angelo

On a journey to learn the art of telling stories. People need to listen to facts. I'll use stories to convey the same.